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GLA Arasur

Casos de éxito

GLA Arasur

Drafting of the Execution Project, Activity Project, license management and Construction Management for the implementation of a production plant of 8,200m² for Gestamp in the Arasur de Rivabellosa Logistics Park (Araba).

Projects and Construction Management
CABECERA 1 copia

Award of the Tender promoted by Bilbao Kirolak (Bilbao Municipal Sports Institute) for the Drafting of the Execution Project and Construction Management for the rehabilitation/adaptation of the Rowing Pavilion in Bilbao (Bizkaia).

Projects and Construction Management

Drafting of the Execution Project, Activity Project, management of licenses and Construction Management to enable the warehouse as a 1,200 m² museum warehouse for Bilbao Bizkaia Museoak in Zamudio (Bizkaia).

Projects and Construction Management
Gestamp - Abrera

Design, drafting of the Execution Project, license management and Construction Management in Barcelona for the construction of the metal structure walkway that connects the production plant with the office building at 8m.

Projects and Construction Management
Ikea Barakaldo

Execution Project, license management and Construction Management to optimize the facilities in Ikea, Barakaldo. (Bizkaia)

Projects and Construction Management

Design and drafting of the Execution Project, license management and Construction Management, for the fitting out of the multipurpose room at the Athletic Club Museum in the San Mames stadium in Bilbao

Projects and Construction Management
Captura de pantalla 2021-11-05 a las 13.05.46

Technical Assistance in works of the architect of the property for the Comprehensive Reform project of the Euskal Museoa in Bilbao (Bizkaia).


Project Management

Technical assistance in property architect work for the New Building Phase 3 project in the AIC complex in Boroa, Amorebieta-Etxano (Bizkaia).

Project Management
Imagen nitra

Project Management in the process of project development and construction of the new Gestamp production plant in Nitra-Slovakia.

Project Management

Technical assistance in property architect work for the demolition project of the old Microdeco pavilion in the AIC complex in Boroa, Amorebieta-Etxano (Bizkaia).

Project Management

CABECERA 1 copia

Award of the Tender promoted by Bilbao Kirolak (Bilbao Municipal Sports Institute) for the Drafting of the Execution Project and Construction Management for the rehabilitation/adaptation of the Rowing Pavilion in Bilbao (Bizkaia).

Projects and Construction Management
GLA Arasur

Drafting of the Execution Project, Activity Project, license management and Construction Management for the implementation of a production plant of 8,200m² for Gestamp in the Arasur de Rivabellosa Logistics Park (Araba).

Projects and Construction Management
Imagen nitra

Project Management in the process of project development and construction of the new Gestamp production plant in Nitra-Slovakia.

Project Management

Project Management in the development process of the Gestamp plant expansion project in Pitesti, Romania

Project Management

Technical assistance for the adaptation of different spaces within the building of the Museum of Reproductions located on Calle Conde Mirasol in Bilbao.

Technical Assistance

Project Management in the development process of the Gestamp plant expansion project in Kenitra, Morocco.

Project Management