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Imagen nitra


Project Management in the process of project development and construction of the new Gestamp production plant in Nitra-Slovakia.

Nitra, Slovakia
44.000 M2

We supported Gestamp in the construction process of the new plant in Slovakia with a surface area of (44,000 m2), performing the tasks of Construction Manager (property representative) during the development of the project and construction of the new Gestamp production plant, where automotive components are manufactured.



We participate in the process of urban processing of the plot with local authorities and promoters to obtain the different licenses. With the participation from the initial phase of the project, we have been able to guarantee the coordination of determining activities in the construction process and, therefore, the optimization of the building at a productive, energy and maintenance level. p>


During the development of the project and in the execution phase, we have promoted the implementation of improvements at the energy level, an adaptation of the building during the optimization of the layout and the application of the most demanding standards and regulations.

Imagen 1

Project to improve Energy Efficiency for production plants-Gestamp



Technical Assistance

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Project Management
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