Analysis and proposal to improve accessibility in the urban environment of the Galdakao-Usansolo Hospital.

Given the concern of the centre's management regarding the accessibility conditions in the urban space surrounding the Hospital, they commissioned us to analyze their situation and propose improvements.

The analysis of the documentation provided is combined with visits for the most exhaustive data collection of the spaces to be analysed. From the first contact, the close relationship of pedestrian traffic with the internal road network and the existing number of parking spaces is detected.

Although it exceeds the original object of the project, to offer an adequate technical response, we see it necessary to make a global proposal combining the three aspects, so the solution presented includes the accessibility solution accompanied by an improvement in the flow of circulation and without relevant impact in the number of parking spaces.

The final result achieves the objective of guaranteeing universal accessibility in the hospital environment and offers the added value of improving serious underlying problems not identified by the owner.