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Ikea Barakaldo

Execution Project, license management and Construction Management to optimize the facilities in Ikea, Barakaldo. (Bizkaia)

Projects and Construction Management

Design and drafting of the Execution Project, license management and Construction Management, for the fitting out of the multipurpose room at the Athletic Club Museum in the San Mames stadium in Bilbao

Projects and Construction Management
Bosque de Oma

Drafting of a technical report on the current state of the trails of the Oma Forest in Kortezubi (Bizkaia).

Technical Reports
Captura de pantalla 2021-10-28 a las 14.36.48

Analysis and proposal to improve accessibility in the urban environment of the Galdakao-Usansolo Hospital.

Technical Reports

Construction Manager / property representative services during project development and construction of 3 new production plants (6 new buildings of 119,000 m² in total) in Turkey .

Project Management

Technical assistance in heritage management for its correct conservation and enhancement of the monumental complex of the Grandes Molinos Vascos in Bilbao (Bizkaia).

Technical Assistance